LOL It’s Monday: AMV Hell

Every anime convention I have been to has had some sort of AMV contest or screening. Most of the larger contests are split into categories such as Action, Drama, X, and Comedy. From audience reaction the two most popular categories are drama and Comedy! Every year, year in and year out Comedy is a Hit! Comedy is almost a universal language, that is laughter brings us together, everyone enjoys it! Well Except for people to uptight to enjoy it and to those who hate laughing I say “Go be sad somewhere else, I’m watching AMV hell!” Which brings me to the next point, this weeks LOL it’s Monday is a random assorted mix of clips from AMV Hell. I have also tossed in a few clips that are not in AMV Hell but would fit right in. I have screened these clips for both quality and suitability for work or school. They are for the most part clean humor with light usage of harsh language and adult gestures and some cartoon violence.

What the heck is AMV Hell?

AMV hell is a majorly super ultra huge tapestry of comedy consisting of short clips. It is put together by a group of people at this HERE WEBSITE. Where you can download the complete projects and yes there are eight of them and most of them are over one hour in length!I will give you one fair warning before you jump into the deep end of the pool and go downloading them like crazy, and that is this; With AMV hell Stick with the classic AMV Hell releases 1, 3, 4,5 ,ce  AND AVOID 2, 0 and /0. The reason I say this is that 2, 0, /0 are inteded for a mature audience over the age of 18.  As stated unless your into hentai comedy, extreme violence, extremely dark humor, and some things that you will never be unable to un-see, stick with the safe stuff. 1, 3, 4, 5, ce. I would put these at about a PG-13 to 15 the content and all the clips I’m presenting here are from the cleaner and more family friendly versions of AMV hell.

And yes that is a guitar and yes that…well just enjoy
Your beautiful! It’s true!

AMV Hell; Best of AMV Hell 1

A commercial break

AMV Hell; Best of AMV Hell 4

Why the Hell not??

Yes that is a guitar!

About Chris Samaripa 669 Articles
Writer, Editor &, Photographer for

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