Welcome To Error 37 Day!

As we all know Diablo 3 came out and that is pretty much all everyone is doing, unless you get the dreaded error 37 server error, which means you won’t be playing for a while. Blizzard has been fighting all day and night to keep the servers up and stable and they have been losing. The reason is sheer server over load, they did not anticipate that millions of fans would be trying to log on and play all at once. Diablo 3 can’t be played on LAN and requires a constant connection to the servers at battle.net and that means millions of players have to log in, authenticate, have there data served and then join or host a game. I can’t wait to see the press release Blizzard has coming for this major failure upon launch. They could have hosted more stress tests, they could have purchased more data center and bandwidth ahead of time. In short they failed this launch for North America.

I’m not that mad but to be honest I barely could play at all during the 14-15th due to server problems. There are people who took time off work to buy and play upon launch, hell there was a live launch party at the gamestop in Irvine California, wonder what the Devs had to say there. Oh well, the game servers have stabilized a bit more now but there are still so many angry fans ranting all over the place. I hope Blizzard puts out those flames and makes this right for those who still are getting error 37. Happy Hunting

About Chris Samaripa 669 Articles
Writer, Editor &, Photographer for AnimeRoot.com

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