Happy Birthday Miku!

This Day marks the 4th Anniversary Of Miku. It has been an epic year for Vocaloid, and Miku especially. She has grown from small  fan based releases to full blown concerts and chart topping I tunes albums. She has appeared on select US television stations and all over the net for Toyota, and has put on sellout after sellout concerts here and in Japan. Her fame has extended to MTV, and her voice featured in nearly every genre.

Her hit video game for the PsP and Ps3 produced by Sega have made it to America and Europe, and has expanded into new titles and even arcade machines. Simply amazing what this green hair girl can do. Speaking of green hair, our Little Miku has be cosplayed all over the world, her style and overall theme is wildly popular and  I dare not forget about all the other Vocaloids out there who work with Miku and independently as well. Amazing to think that vocal software from Japan would take a shape, and then take over the world!

The World is yours Miku, Happy BirthDay!

And you can’t Forget about all the Great Miku Miku Dance!

Check out More MMD Madness Here! LINK HERE

About Chris Samaripa 669 Articles
Writer, Editor &, Photographer for AnimeRoot.com

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