It was a fun and slow drive through the dirty city of LA to our hotel, parking was a nightmare and costs above fair but I could rant all day long about how bad the area is, but the hotel is nice. We settled in and made a dash for the convention center only to arrive at a HUGE LINE, go figure. Two hours and one half later we were still in line.
It was a hot slow moving line, but we all made it through and got our badges and bags which might I add were at a record low on good items, so low well here is the list of what you get:
1 bag (Gaia online ftl)
1 program guide with some advertisements
1 badge with cheap lanyard (ours broke several times throughout the con)
There were a lot of folks waiting to pay $50+ dollars for main events that we will walk into for free, go California spirit! I’m sorry but these events are free with admission, I’m not going to waste money on anything short hentai tentacle monsters.
If you did not know and chances are you don’t we can’t get press at this mega con and yet some many other shit press sites do, I just don’t understand why not give us a shot. We have candy!
Anyway I have to hit the bar and get geared up for Day 1 of ANIME EXPO 09, check back for pictures and news as we will be making new posts everyday.

Zion Out
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