It has been a very busy day, lots of hustle and bustle all over the hotel. Parking is bad; to say there is not enough spots does not do justice. This will get worse by tomorrow rest assured. The Red Lion is a decent hotel, and though it is a bit pressed for space lets just call it comfortable for now. Check in went fairly smooth with events starting at 3:00 and check in at the same time. One of us made it to opening ceremonies though just barely. We are looking forward to the coming events. We call this con the grass roots con, most people are on a first name basis.
The visitors of this con are all a little odd in a good way, but there are a few that creep me out. The stuffed hallways full of goods and art for sale made it feel like a mad market in a distant land. I could only imagine the thoughts passing through the minds of the poor souls staying at this hotel that are not going to the con. “What the hell is going on here?” is the first set of words that comes to mind. I don’t blame them as they were not expecting this anime convention since it sort of fell on them. I was very disappointed that Rock Band presented by the Death of the Arcade folks got canceled last minute because it was a smash hit last year, and regular karaoke is just so dry.
Happy hardcore on day one is radical, and a few us really like it. Some of us think less of it; as for me I can handle it in small doses. After the happy hardcore some good trance set in for a change in pace.
Unfortunately our female member is not present. As a result I have no one to send to the yaoi panels so I will not be writing about those. The group of us wandered over to The Shoe Show, Super Happy Otaku Entertainment, and the Late Shoe. The Shoe show was entertaining; taking 1 part anime, 1 part hentai, and several audience members to partake in the improv. We did group skits, dubbing, and questions to random people games, and a few funny songs were played. Overall it was a fun experience.

The B21+ lounge is what we wandered to next after a few drinks, we arrived at about 12:15 am to the promise of beer, dancing, and a large party. What we got was no beer, a couple of groups of people, and a really good DJ. This was disappointing as we were told by several staff that there was to be beverage on hand, but there weren’t even cups to serve people with. So we decided to do our own thing. We found some people, broke out some drinks, and got a little loopy.

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