Happy April Fool’s Fools!

The internet is buzzing with jokes and and gags, and the news seems to be covering it way to much, but hey its predictable these days.

KFC Samurai

PC world even made a count down list of the top 5 pranks played by Google. LINK HERE

Of course this day of mischief spans beyond the internet, funny stuff has be popping up  on game networks, schools, and work places. Joke food items on menus, hoaxes, and spring loaded mixed nuts jars are all out there. Speaking of Hoaxes you should check out some of the wiki pages that got locked today, man the internet is childish but hilarious. Will Smith’s page for example has been modified several times, proclaiming him dead, poor, and working on a new Fresh Prince series. Thank you Internet for being awesome.

About Chris Samaripa 669 Articles
Writer, Editor &, Photographer for AnimeRoot.com

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