Well it seems like 3D movies are all the rage once again, and people are now paying (out the nose) for it. Oddly enough during these rough economic times people are willing to fork over $20 per ticket to watch a 3d IMAX movie. I don’t think consumers realize that most theaters don’t have the screen size to deliver a true IMAX experience and yet they are paying more for it.
Would you rush back to the the theater if say ghost in the Shell was re-released in 3D? I think I would but as we know not all people can enjoy 3D.

Most of the new big box office movies coming out are only coming out in 3D, I think this is trend that will die out in the long run but for many this is the best thing since sliced bread. So basically a regular movie ticket was $9-10 is no longer offered for some films, even though the 3D effect can’t be enjoyed by everyone and the IMAX experience is not true in most cases. People who have a lazy eye for example can’t tell the difference, and some people get sick or headaches due to the eye seeing only half offered, the color blind, the elderly, and those with poor depth perception are all getting the short stick. For those who can see it, it is rather amazing. From film to film the use of 3D varies and quality of the usage of the 3D is really what can make or break the effect.
If used in Anime I could see some of the benefits but do they out weigh the costs. I myself think that using 3D as a platform to theaters to push newer anime titles would be a cool thing. Ok we all know that movies directed by Hayao Miyazaki are widely accepted by Americans so there lays a sliver of hope, take something like Sonys Paprika and put it into theaters in 3D and I think you will have some good reactions.
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