We have arrived home and are beginning the decompression process and hope to have all our pictures up by Tuesday, We have more than 2000 photos to process, rotate, crop, sort, re-size and upload. We won’t be posting 2k photos but a lot will be there when we are complete , feel free to thumb through some of the older years pictures to pass the time.
Interviews might be posted later this week pending time. Our main editor’s head caught fire several times this weekend so he must recover before moving forward with what we have in front of him.
I am currently writing about 5 articles and still unpacking from the weekend, so I will be posting as fast as I can write and edit. I hope to have a complete Friday, Saturday and Sunday write up some time on Monday, I will be posting them after I complete them so check back often.
The website will be changing a bit more soon, new banners, new features, and a slightly faster surfing experience. Unfortunately we have not had the time to complete our website transition and it has left us stranded where we are until we are done getting all our NDK coverage up.
Hmm… That face looks very familiar. Working on getting it scanned ;).