This year’s NDK proved to downright awesome for cosplay. One of the things I liked a lot this year was the organized photo shoot schedule that was posted by the press desk. I definitely think that this should stay from here on out. Though we were extremely busy we did get the Vocaloid photo shoot on Friday before the opening ceremonies. Zion got a whole boatload of photos on his shiny new camera and they look really nice if I must say so myself.
Outside of being extremely exhausted from the con myself I still have work to go to during this week so getting all of these photos processed is quite literally a gargantuan task. I started off with 11GB of JPEG data so to say the least sorting it all out, cleaning out crappy photos, and processing is a nightmare. I’m still shooting for tomorrow night to get a good chunk of the gallery for this year online, but we’ll see how things go. We had several different cameras rolling around so some photos will look better than others. We’re trying to upgrade, but DSLRs are expensive.
Anyways, I would like to thank all of those who cosplayed this year as none of this would happen without you and I’m already looking forward to NDK 2011!
Update: Gallery is Online – Jacked up good to go!
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