Welcome to 2011!
We made it! And if your reading this you did too!
I first want to the thank all the NDK Staff, Hotel Staff, and everyone else who helped make this event happen. And secondly a big Thanks to all the attendees and supporters!
This year was the second annual NDK New Years Eve Ball, and my first time attending it. Much like everyone else I booked a room and planed my day around the ball and the count down to 2011. There was a only a handful of things to do but that turned out to be a good thing. Check in for the event was slow at first than picked up speed, many people forgot their ID’s and several people had been in the wrong line, directions were lacking. The hotel check-in line was insane and people were drinking in line! The fact that NDK was sharing the hotel with that Champagne event was a bad situation overall but more on that later. Once checked in we were issued our Wristbands which are a good idea and I support the system.
Then we waited for the ball to open, so we wandered around and talked to people, and became familiar with the other group of party goers attending the Champagne event. There were several staff members and security from both NDK and Champagne trying to keep order and they did a good job till about 1:00 am, the NDK staff did a better job overall keeping order of the ball and keeping the Champagne people out.
We put on our suits and hats on and headed in at 7:00pm, I totally missed the Dance lessons, I could not find them in time and so I cannot comment on them.
Quick note about the Dress code, two of my male roommates were turned away for not having a coat, but they met every other standard in the dress code! Its not really fair because once inside I had to remove my coat to dance, so really I don’t understand why turn people away for a coat that they take off inside anyway? Annoyance two was related to shoes, There was limited ball room style dancing going on, it was really more tennis shoe music, It was really hard to boogie in expensive formal shoes. I suggest next year that there be some sort of rental option on site for such situations as not up to code or left it at home.
**Update: Formal shoes were not required, I have been updated further, and as for policy things are always changing due to needs and wants, again standards are being reviewed for next year.
The count down clock was ticking down the final hours of 2010 and the sound system was booming with music. I must say the predetermined play list was ok overall but had some major weak points and some music that was not danceable IE Death metal etc etc. I enjoyed much of it, I kinda wish the DJ had more of say about what was being played and maybe he could better adjust the tunes too the mood. I loved the Gong and Jeremy’s stage presence really boosted the crowed. Overall good just my little gripes and the fact that the speakers sounded over driven the entire night, just more of a nit pick of mine I worked at a movie theater for 5 years and I know a thing or two about concert speaker systems.
We jammed for a short while and than decided to go visit the charity games. After playing the fish catch and the ring toss we were done playing games. That said the games were fun, but seemed a bit last minute. I really hoped to see some more options and more refinement in years ahead, but for this year it was not bad just a little plain. I would shoot for 5 games for next year and raise the stakes and cost, if it is for charity lets open it up a bit more.
Back to the room for some food, cause the food for the dance was running behind and we needed some grub to go with our cocktails. The Bar was excellent and the bar tender was fun and very approachable.When the food arrived we got in line and picked out a variety of foods and shared. The food was so-so, the rice was over cooked both in the steamed and fried variants and the chicken was greasy. The fruit offering was nice and the pizza was decent. Candy and salad were both good and prices on all items were a little high but fair. I like the selection but the delivery and untimeliness were both unexpected and a bit disappointing. I’m a bit of a harsh critic when it comes to food, so take it or leave it.
We danced and lounged the night away and when the final countdown starting playing we knew it was time to salute the year and pop some balloons. With a mad air guitar solo and another Gong strike the balloons dropped and the year was ended! Really fun scene could not ask for more. Once the ball drop was done the and the balloons all popped the room emptied quickly. The lines for the elevators became really long so we waited inside the dance hall for it to die down.
More article click link below
**Later that night or shall I say morning the room parties raged on. Our neighbors were not with NDK, they were there with the Champagne party and they were rude, loud and damaging property. Several Fights broke out on several floors in our tower. Broken glass, bloody clothes, vomit, gum, alcohol, and trash were found and reported by many NDK goers. The Champagne party goers were out of control, the police were called several times in regards to something done by or associated with the Champagne party. The C-party folks were rude to staff, fellow c-party folks and NDK ball goers. On our floor beer bottles were laying everywhere, and vomit near the elevators trash cans overflowing. I rode the elevators several times and in almost all cases there was at least 2 very drunk C-party peeps in there. If I was a parent I would not want my children any where near these people. With all the fights, broken property and vandalism and reckless behavior I will not be attending next years ball if NDK is sharing the hotel with these people I did not feel safe in my room it was that bad. By Contrast The NDK ball attendees were fantastic, classy and well behaved. I really hope the hotel bans the Champagne party for all the trouble they caused.
** NDK has acknowledged the issue with the other party and the hotel and is working to make sure this issue does not arise next year.
After the long sleepless night we packed up, checked out and got some pancakes. It was a very good ball overall, as stated above I want to return next year but I will not tolerate the Champagne party.
And it should be Noted That I decided from a Professional’s point of view not to take pictures of people at this event for several reasons. Ethically I don’t find it correct to take pictures of people drinking, drunk or compromised. Reason two is safety and privacy to protect the shooter and the people being shot. If something ended up on the net that would make NDK or Myself look unbecoming of a professional it can cause trouble of many types. In short I don’t feel that it is fair to shoot people partying without permission. By no means am I saying don’t take personal photos for yourself and friends but don’t take photos of strangers at party’s and post them on the net.
**Update: There was a press invitation we simply missed the email There is always next year
The Short and dirty
The good
– Great costumes
– Food was decent
– Bar was fair and Bartender was awesome
– Dance was fun
– The gong was great
– Balloons
– Lounge area was a fantastic idea
– Hotel prices were good
The bad
– Champagne party = Very BAD!!
– Food was late
– Some music did not fit the bill
– Charity games could have been better
– Dress code bias
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