Saturday Morning started off fairly slowly, with getting the remaining press badges and a slow schedule for events. There was one panel that caught my attention due to my interest in cosplaying and costume making. The panel was called “Wigging Out” which I assumed to be a panel about wigs and thankfully I was right. It could have been something WAY different but to my relief it was in fact, a panel dedicated to wigs and the various things about them.
The panel was fairly small and personal, everyone got to ask questions if they had any. The panel was largely to demonstrate and provide examples of various wigs and techniques involved with them. It was put on by cosplay.com users FeyMeggan and Katchan. I thank them for putting in the time and effort to host a panel and I overall enjoyed learning more about Wigs as a whole because I have had a stigma against them for various reasons, mostly fear of destroying a super expensive wig.
Much of their knowledge of wigs came from doing what I feared most, experimenting and damaging wigs in the past. They used those experiences to pass along their lessons learned and to ensure we didn’t make the same mistakes. The main message of the panel was to not be afraid of experimentation and trying new things with wigs. Also the point was made that they are not really hair so you do not always have to treat it as hair, you an do things like cutting and reattaching sections of hair back on or use products that you wouldn’t want anywhere near your real hair.
They provided examples of how to die wigs, how to style, how to attach different colors or materials into the wig, how to put the wigs on, how to wash them, and general care of the wigs. An emphasis on hard work was present. They stated several times the base wig didn’t matter as much as the work that was put into making it look exactly how you want it to. I found the panel to be very insightful and I think it is a shame that there wasn’t a program guide to give a better description for the panel name as they clearly named the panel to be clever, but that also threw off some of the attendees. Also the time was a bit early, many of the possible attendees may have not been there or may have been sleeping. I would really like to see another panel similar to this as well as more cosplaying workshops or tutorials at future conventions to boost the quality of costumes in a broad sense.
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