A few more Miku Ads to discuss just out of the blue, totally missed these ads due to Anime Expo. Miku pops up everywhere, and Toyota is doing a pretty good job with her. Miku’s face can be found on race cars, tools, towels, books, media of all sorts and in commercials around the world, but for some reason it becomes a big deal when she pops up in America riding the Toyota train.
Honestly I have no problem with them (Toyota & their ads), I find them funny and odd. So What Miku really likes bacon wrapped hot dogs, who doesn’t? Fans are crying and hipsters are going on about Toyota destroying Miku. Ya I also knew about Miku before Toyota, deal with it and take off your sisters jeans. Ok this post could drag on and on so I placed my rant at the bottom, watch the videos leave your thoughts at the bottom. And ya chill out enjoy some more earth shattering Miku videos and their related videos. My short rant is at the bottom, bring it hipsters!
Miku Really loves Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs, In two separate commercials its all she can talk about, I don’t blame her they are very good; again its all about fun! Don’t forget Miku also loves here Vegetable juice and does not mind endorsing some brands. Here’s the 3 new commercials
Render Room – The Miku is not amused!
Talking about the Bacon Wrapped dogs
Getting the Bacon Wrapped dogs
Fun Zone and more Miku around the world!
Yes! Valve and Bacon Wrapped Dogs
Miku would love this Bacon Wrapped Dog!
Miku has been racing for almost 2 years now in Super GT – Deal with it lol
And there are several cars running in different classes with Miku on the paint including a BMW, Nisan Z, and Porscheeee
Miku Gauges!
More Miku Gagues
A good Use of Miku
Freaking best mixing gauge, measures sound volume for those who don’t know.
Edit this in the Face!
This Video is Just a funny Parody video, tossed in for fun!
Miku hipster Hate video – Rant below
What can I say about this I agree but at the same time I disagree, sorry I’m not a hipster and miku’s image is not being abused, heck she is fund raising! Toyota has done a good job overall,

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