“Drink your Pee!” My favorite quote this week from a game session with the title Man V.S. Wild.
Still Want More, Well there is more! Taco Town the SNL skit that keeps on giving! Miku says your Baka, and a cool gadget, I want one! You like to ride the Bus, no, well me either but this bus stops for no river! and Ha a hidden video at the bottom just keep watching you will get to it.
This Duck Gets Twisted!
He Be Trolling you all the way to …..
Get Coned!
Never Say No To The Panda!
Sonic For Hire: Pac-Man
Sonic For Hire: Toe jam & Earl
Man VS Wild The Video Game: ya I can’t make this S#$t up – Long and funny!
Taco Town! A true American Classic!
You still looking for more? Baka Baka Baka!
This is Boss!
Ok one more, You Ride the bus? This Buss is the Boss!
Ha HA Haa! Fooled you! BP Strikes back!
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