Yet another adult dating sim that has an anime version up and coming. Muv-Love is the first game in the series, followed by Muv-Love Alternative and several extra fan discs for PC. Muv-Love as a series started out as an adult dating sim and was cleaned up and ported to Xbox 360 and Playstation and it sold very well. A book series and manga series were created along the way and with the tremendous success of the book series and manga many small fan based groups have grown in numbers. Muv-Love has grown so much that an anime version based on a slightly different side of the Muv-Love universe is being created, known as the Total Eclipse project based on Alternative. The story will be more based on the book series rather than the games, but many key characters will make appearances.
Learn about the books HERE – if you can read Japanese you can buy them online.
Learn about the Total-Eclipse HERE
The Anime website holder HERE
Whats Muv-Love about, well dating, life, giant robots, war with an alien race known as the BETA and Love. It has a story that kinda feels like Gundam but with less men and more crazy. I really wish Manga Gamer or JAST USA would pick up the brand as the games are classics and good ones at that.
The games are Adult but cleaned up versions do exist. Learn more HERE
I personally love these kinds of games and I also love the animes born from them, for example Fate Stay//Night was an adult pc game that was ported and cleaned up for console, and then manga and books followed and a hit anime series, movie, and another series. Fantastic writing and stunning visuals drive Muv-Love and I can’t wait to see the finished product next year. I have posted some videos and more info after the break, click the read more.
Check out these videos from Muv-Love Alterntive
Must Love the Muv
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