This Video is creative and just visually stunning. The use of camera’s is crazy, the song works with the theme. This is one cool light show, one very expensive cool light show and it comes with a band. The band Androp was formed in 2008 around the vocalist, Uchisawa Takahito. Bright Siren is a song in the video it it’s from their 1st full album “relight. The band members have changed over the years from what I’ve read, and the wiki is sparse on information.
Canon of Japan sponsored this video, and it shows with all those Canon 60D’s at $1400 each + flash thats another $500 your talking 2k per camera and they used 250 of them! $50,000 in camera’s alone, not including the ones used to shoot the video, so this was no small feat. Did I mention that I dig the song, good work Androp! This video is Sick!
Check it out!
The Making of Video
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