Really? Are You serious? Wow…. and I thought Flintstones chewables were bad enough. Ok deep breath in, and relax…. Wow now that I’ve let it sink in that such a product exists. I for one can understand that many who never leave there house or know anything about nutrition might benefit from these cute vitamins. But honestly praying on anime fans, collectors and Otaku with pretty 2d girls is just brilliant, and a tad bit strange. For Real, the anime fan in me says that’s awesome, but I really wonder what my doctor would think. I like the idea of great packaging but the product better be good and from it’s cost at 60 tabs for about $20 bucks that’s a 1 month supply they also toss in a few of the pretty cards. The vitamins are targeted at men, and boys, go figure.
The characters vary on the different products and are are extremely cute, but I cannot speak to the quality of the product itself. The characters are named after the vitamin types such as “Sister Milk” for calcium for example. I reward you with creativity points Ateam products for coming up with such a unique marketing ploy. The creative art team behind this consisted of Artists such as Yuki Azuma, Nankotsu Misakura, Yōsai Kūchū, and MAKI.
Want to visit the source well CLICK HERE they are open for pre-order if your interested, though If your after Vitamins go to GNC or Walgreens.
They now say 1 in 4 Japanese consider them self to be Otaku.
Who’s They?
Oh The Yano folks hang on I feel a post coming