It’s been a rough week, partly due to schedule changes and partly due to illness. All that aside I’m feeling better and laughter makes for the best medicine. Though I would be concerned if your doctor recommended you to laugh at that bad rash or those broken bones you got from skateboarding. Kidding set aside I decided this week to feature Gmod Idiot Box as a stand alone feature. It has been a long time since DasBoSchitt published the last Idiot box movie until recently, and we have been waiting.
So what is Gmod Idiot box, well it’s a series of short comedy films put together in Gary’s Mod. The films consist of skits, shorts, and some on going characters that won’t easily be forgotten. A lot of work goes into making these gems, and the Youtube channel is loaded with funny and entertaining content. Just to give you a heads up this week’s content is pretty much all M for mature. You will need to be logged onto your youtube account for some of these videos. There is plenty of harsh language, foul comedy, and some comical violence. But it’s all good baby! Enjoy!
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 10.5
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