Kawaii Now found in Oxford English Dictionary

Seems like more catchy words are finding their way into our language. Kawaii was added recntly check out this link HERE.

English our countries native language the one I’m writing in currently is the bastard child of every language in the world. English is so vast and varies so much from region to region it’s hard to tell sometimes if a word is legitimate or slang or just plain made up. The Word Kawaii is a real word but from another language, a great example of English absorbing other languages words.

The Dictionary is the one resource that helps to keep English organized and understandable for those who speak it. I think it is a good thing that the dictionary updates yearly to keep up with the English speakers; I gave the word Kawaii a short test by asking my English teachers about the word and its usage in writing a paper for class. I was optimistic at first but sadly while being found in the dictionary online did not validate the use of new word according to about 100% of my English teachers that I spoke with. Using the word Kawaii is just to informal for teachers, the teachers say it can be used in quote or in a story but it may not be used to describe something. For example  The use of the word to describe say a pair of shoes as Kawaii won’t fly on a school paper but is perfectly acceptable on the internet. Ask your English teacher the same question and find out what she or he has to say on the matter.

What do you think of the word Kawaii, do you even no what it means? Well I’m going to assume you don’t and I will tell you it’s a real word in Japan and it means Cute. Use example: Those shoes are so Kawaii!

Do you use the word Kawaii in your everyday English in place of the word cute.

Source: Twitter user Cavalock @ DannyChoo

About Chris Samaripa 669 Articles
Writer, Editor &, Photographer for AnimeRoot.com


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