This week in LoL’s I bring you a very good webshow dubbed simply the “The Online Gamer”. Aaron the main character is man whom is obsessed with MW2 and now 3 so much so that he practicly lives it, a bit too much more often than not. I love this web show it delivers quality entertainment and so do a few other of the shows that Reckless Tortuga makes.
Need more well I brought more, I’ve been saving videos for while since I got sick infact a few weeks back. This Weeks LoL’s is one of biggest lols posts I’ve ever done. So much so that this week I’m not go into details breaking down all the videos but all I’m going to say is there are quite a few, please enjoy!
And oh ya…pretty much all of this weeks LoL’s contain harsh languge, so you’ve been warned.
The online gamer MW3 1
The online gamer MW3 2
The Online gamer MW3 3
The Online gamer MW4 4
The Online gamer How it all began
Just some awsome Cosplay action
OMG This Dog has balls
Blondes presents Ninja Fails
Cat fight cobra style
Pug hates Iphone
Hill billy tells all, dale jr style
Comic Craze Jurrasic Park
Conan delivers
Holy @#$% Cerial
I am your sandwhich
Massive mind @#%@%#
Heres a Cheap laugh visit this LINK HERE to find out how many energy drinks it would take to kill yourself, you choose the type, enter your weight and bam it sorts the rest out for you. For me it was Rockstar Punched and it would take 93!
Two buddys play: – Extra NSFW
Max payne 2
Dead Island
Alone in the Dark
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