Girls & Panzer Anime

Girls & Panzer is a show about Girls who in there school timeactivity time drive tanks. I don’t know if they are going to a military school or private academy, as not to many details are floating about just yet. The trailer leads me to understand the genre and the direction, as this written like a day in the life show like K-on but also steps into action like Strike Witches. Though I think this show is not going to focus on the tank company training and battles, it looks like it focuses on mostly just tea parties, cake, and other moe-blob activities. I really hope this show can find a good balance point because it has potential to be really good. Girls in a German Made Panzer class tank, I’m not an expert on WW2 tanks but that looks like a PZiII with a short barrel, its normally classified as a light-medium anti-personal tank, rarely fighting head on with other tanks.

So to sum up quickly, a group of teen school girls will work together to drive this tank as part of a competition related to school; but the trailer leads me to believe that this anime focuses on there day to day lives. We shall know more in time.

About Chris Samaripa 669 Articles
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