Sega has announced an anime adaption of Phantasy Star Online 2 or PSO2. The word from the officle website LINK HERE is that this is indeed going to be an anime. The street date is not mentioned but they listed 2016 as the year set for release. As a player of the game I’m kinda looking forward to this but given SEGA’s history with anime adaptations I’m feeling kinda skeptical about this project. Sega has been throwing money by the fistful at garbage shows (google Chaos Dragon) and promotions for the latest sonic game and animation ( Sonic Boom). Sega has not been hitting the mark as of late and I have always wanted to see a Phantasy Star Anime.
Of course we will know more about this project in time, such as the selected art and production team and how it will be released. There is no word on a English release of the game or anime from Sega yet, many fans speculate that the game will never release state side and the odds are better for the anime because of existing contracts with distributors, all speculation at this point.
Sega Team
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