First I'm sorry for the deley in this post, I have been very sick and dealing with a death in my family. I have posted photos and videos from Wasabi already they have been live since the week after the convention. That said this post is to report my thoughts and put together all the media from this years ALW 2016.
Back again and standing alone once again AnimeLand Wasabi marches on. This years convention was at a new Venue in Thornton Colorado, it was a nice space for a small to medium sized convention. I dropped in on Saturday and came back for Sunday. On Saturday I shot a few photo shoot groups and took in the convention. I really enjoyed the layout of the convention, and the artist ally was fantastic. The dealers room was very small and mostly limited to hand made goods and limited anime merch, that said the between the artist ally and the dealers room there was so much good indie merch to browse that I didn’t mind a the lack of large anime dealers. Going forth I would like to see a few more offerings but as I said this is not a deal breaker for me.
Photos From Around the Convention, I shot some photos of the game room, which was small but had lots of good games to play. Next to the game room was the Rock band room, Death of the Arcade in full force, always a busy fun place to be. I stuck my nose into panel rooms on Saturday and Sunday and can report things were mostly normal, except for Sunday afternoon which it seemed many panel rooms were empty or limited attendance. I sat through Uncle Yo’s comedy set and can report it was good and everyone enjoyed it. I did attend the Rave for about an hour, It was pretty good, I hung around for two DJ sets. See photos in the around the convention for some of the shots I took.
The C&C was actually really good. I really love the fact that they did not run stage lights and they tamed the cosplayers, and by tamed I mean there were three points on the stage that all cosplayers had to hit to show their costume from all sides. Press seating was up front were it belongs, dead center with the Judges. I got some fantastic shots and below is the gallery from the whole event. I forgot to mention the half time show was a rock concert, it was fun overall I highly recommend this event for those attending next year.
C&C Photo Gallery
A quick summery of AnimeLand Wasabi: It was small, fun and down to earth. The convention did not set it’s bar too high and that works for me, I’d rather see a convention that knows it’s small and does not pretend to be a mega con, thus avoiding the pitfalls that come with mega con status. The laid back attitude overall is nice, I feel overall the convention ran smoothly enough to warrant my approval.
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