This years AMV at NDK 2016 was amazing. So many great videos, so many great editors and so much fantastic content. It was reported by the AMV team that over 80 hours or around 300 AMV’s were submitted to the contest. The main show for the finalists ran two and a half hours and the overflow about the same.
Winners listed on the bottom.
The Contest Playlist on Youtube, Sorry in advance if some of the videos get taken down.
The Awards
- Action/Adventure: Edible Annihilation – Kisanzi
- Drama/Romance: Unstopable – Maboroshi, MomtoCutiePia
- Fun/Upbeat:Just Funkin Dandy – Shin
- Comedy/Parody: Koku’s Rage – Farm
- Category X: Sans titre – Cmoididi
- Video Game Video: Been to Hell – Kiriforce
- Best Local: Lessons I’ve Learned – Moonpie
- Editor’s Choice Best In Show: Sans titre – Cmoididi
- Audience Choice Best In Show: Edible Annihilation – Kisanzi
- Legends: RedHerring (test type 00) – Qwaqa
- Iron Chef: Mamo!
Need More AMV’s Here is last years contest. Same disclaimer as last time, some videos have been taken down. Enjoy!
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