What is or who is Violet Evergarden?
Well, this review is about the anime adaption of the light novel written by Kana Akatsuki. Studio Kyoto Animation also known as Kyoani produced this anime adaption and it saw release to the west via Netflix. First in Canada and then later in the United States. This show is a drama and it does not hide that fact. If you are not a fan of good drama you should avoid this show, it has the feels, so many feels. How powerful are the feels, well I have a short story to tell you from this years Colorado anime Fest. While at a panel we heard from the voice actor Cassandra Lee Morris that While recording Violet Evergarden the voice cast and directors broke down and cried during recording sessions for episode 10. Just thinking about that episode I’m tearing up.
What is the story?
Violet Evergarden is a slow, beautiful, heart wrenching story that tells the story of Violet. Violet’s past life was filled with violence, tragedy, loss and war. Violet is a weaponized human, think Captain America, a super solder of sorts. But unlike the Captain, Violet was raised with no emotion, no ability to read or write, and has her humanity stripped away. Until she comes under the control of Major Gilbert Bougainvillea. The Major treats her well, teaches her to read and write. They fight the war side by side and share time together. Over time the Major falls in Love with Violet. One fateful day on a mission Violet and the Major take a large enemy base with a small team, they are setup by their own army to go on this one way trip and their location is bombed into the ground. Violet and the Major found some shelter underground, but the major had taken fatal damage and was bleeding out and violet had lost her arm. Violet struggled to save the major, but it was in Vain, before he passes he tells Violet “I love you”. Violet does not understand the meaning of this and those simple words would forever alter her journey in life.
This is what sets the stage for this anime adaption. As Violet awakens in a hospital weeks after these events occur, she has a new life, a new arm, and a new direction. The Major had left orders to his former army commander Claudia Hodgins to take care of Violet in the event of his death. Claudia now running a branch of the CH Postal service adopts Violet, and begins to help her begin living a normal civilian life. Violet is still looking for the Major, seeking the meaning of those last words, I love you. She takes up a job working as Auto Memory Doll, under Claudia a roll that involves writing letters for those who can’t write or are unable to interrupt their feelings. Each episode moves slowly and builds a series of stories that Violet must put to paper. Each letter has a story that Violet begins to understand over time. As Claudia says ” Violet you are burning” Violet grows little by little and begins to accept her fate. I Will go no further with the plot, you gotta watch the show.
My Review and Thouhts about Violet Evergarden
Well this certainly is Drama of the year for 2018 material. The Art is stunning, the visuals, the effects, the emotion and impact in all the characters. In short this show looks and feels like a movie. I was blown away by the amount of detail and care that went into the world, the cast, and frankly everything. So much eye candy, great use of cameras, and cg, it all blended together to make for a feast for the eyes. Further I really commend KyoAni for not pulling any punches and maintaining high quality through out the entire 13 episode run.
The soundtrack and sound design was fantastic overall. Really spot on for the tone and mood of the show. This soundtrack is not something as great as “Made in Abyss” but is certainly good overall. Just not really good enough to play in the car everyday good. Effects and design were solid, the world felt real and it sounded real. The clicking and clacking of the type writers, and noise from all the mechanics felt right. I give it a passing score for audio.
The voice acting for both the English dub and the original were sublime. I tend to favor the original as this is what I watched start to finish, but the feels were there in both versions. If you don’t enjoy reading you can’t go wrong with the dub. If you recall my story from the beginning of this review you will remember that cast and crew working on the dub were moved by it, and much care was taken to keep it right and true to it’s source material.
Lastly the story, which to critics say is to slow, and numb at times. To those who thought that, I ask you to put yourself in her shoes. Live in her world, and see it for what it is. Have patience with Violet and she will grow on you, and this story will start to surprise and move you. She is so solid on the outside and yet she is burning up on the inside, it takes her time to figure this out and all the stories start to add up. Violet Evergarden’s story is not for kids, it certainly is not for those who can’t handle drama. I loved it after the first few episodes, and looking back I don’t think it would have been any better if it were faster and more to the point. Violet Evergarden is about the journey of Violet and the meaning of Love, Life, Death, and Tragedy. I highly recommend this show to any drama fans. It made me cry a lot, but not always for tragic reasons, honestly it was outstanding writing. Simply writing about this show is bring me to tears.
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