Sadly this movie only had a two day run, one day for the Sub and one day for the Dub. So a Review is somewhat not warranted, but a part two is on the horizon and well you can honestly just watch the show and you would not be missing a whole lot. The movies are a condensed version of the TV series, with some extras added and new music and surround sound. So basically refer back to my review of the Made in Abyss TV series and you will find all the details about the show.
So are these movies worth watching if you have seen the series? In Short yes, the extra scenes, and updated music and the interviews after the credits alone made it worth it. I enjoyed the movie adaption and I’ve watched the show like 6 times now and read the manga. And for those who have not watched the series these movies are a great time saver and a great introduction to the series. Part one is already out of theaters and part two is coming sometime in the near future. I’m not sure about any plans to release this on BD or Digital Yet, but Sentai will likely release sometime this year.

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