NDK 2011 Update

Day two and three write-ups and news coverage are also in process, It has been a very long weekend. We are currently getting settled in. Here are some numbers for you just to put things into perspective, we took more than 1300 photos convention wide and more than 3 hours of video from interviews and have pages of stories and panel write ups to sort through. Of course we will sift through all of this content and filteredit and sort than distill the final product. I’m just updating to let you know what’s going on our side of the fence. It has been an epic weekend to say the least and one of the busiest weeks for AnimeRoot staff ever.

Gallery Status: Online
Video status: Files awaiting edit
Interviews: Transcription in progress
NDK Articles: 1 complete , 2-3 in progress
Misc write ups: Several pending 1 complete awaiting edit


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About Chris Samaripa 669 Articles
Writer, Editor &, Photographer for AnimeRoot.com

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