adult swim

Adult Swim Trolls You with “The Room” and Then Toonami!
My eyes are not being tricked, this is Toonami on adult swim. Tune in now to see, but if you can’t well you missed […]

Adult Swim Presents Their Favorite Games of 2011
This list is very troll but it points out some intereting things. The fact that it mentions Hyperdimension Neptunia is simply amazing. This fake award list […]

Durarara!! Premieres on Adult Swim on June 25th
Just as the title Reads Durararararararara!! Will hit the air on Adult Swim in America this Saturday the 25th in the time slot following Bleach. […]

Durarara!! To Air on Adult Swim in June!!
Well it’s about time adult swim expanded its limited anime lineup; I’ve always viewed adult swims attitude towards anime as being mostly negative but It’s […]

Happy Friday The 13th
Yep folks it’s that day again, time to break out the slasher films and put on those old hockey masks, because its Friday the 13th! […]