The Most Powerfull Earthquake in 140 years Shakes Japan

Millions of people are without power, transit, and communication this morning in Japan because of a large earthquake followed shortly by a large tsunami starting and hitting northern Japan. Clearly this is a National crisis as power plants have been knocked out, airports shut down, and thousands of buildings are on fire and thousands of buildingscarsboats have been swept away by the massive waves in the North.

The Government of Japan is telling citizens to stay calm, alert and to stay put. The reason for this is that many roads and tracks are damaged and if everyone rushed the transit system in an effort to get home this would cause major problems for both the people and the transit system, and would be people in harms way.

After shocks have been rattling the country but are no where near the initial power and duration of the first quake which shook the entire country for what seemed longer than normal and at a record 8.9- magnitude.

There are already 2500+ known victims already this number is expected to rise. The video footage from CNN and the BBC showcase just how devastating this earthquake really was and still is.

Follow the links below and watch the videos, I almost could not believe the footage at first but it is simply devastating and powerful. I will continue to follow this story as it unfolds and will update this post with more information as it becomes available.

As the BBC Reports: LINK HERE

As CNN reports: LINK HERE

“An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan today, triggering tsunamis that sent a wave filled with boats and houses toward land. Hawaii and the U.S. West Coast are under a tsunami warning.”



About Chris Samaripa 669 Articles
Writer, Editor &, Photographer for

1 Comment

  1. My wife and I truly cannot believe that this occured. An earth quake in Japan, again?! All those poor women and men. And look at precisely what happened with the nuclear reactor!

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